Thursday, August 21, 2014

Birth Order Traits

May procrastinate to relieve burden of perfectionism.

I am a total procrastinater and most of the time a perfectionist. I finished reading Escape from camp 14 the day before back to school even though I was informed like 2-3 months earlier. This is one of the many things that I proctastinated on before. But I get it done which is better than not doing it.

Critical of self and others

I am the biggest critical person of myself. If I'm not doing good in something or I "think" I'm not doing good I will punish and push myself until I do better than good. However, I do not agree about being critical of others.

Career choices include science, medicine, law

I do not agree with any of the career choices except medicine and science. I want to work with medicine later in my future and science intrigues me. But then again i want to interact with people and help them with their problems like a psychologist.


I completely disagree with this research because I'm the opposite. I love helping people as many ways as possible. I always think of others before myself. My brothers always get bothered by it so they get mad at me.

Likes to be a "rescuer"

I always love to be a "rescuer" because I know I just rescued someone/something from danger or harm. All the pets that I had and have now were rescued by me from whether it was being rescued from harmful owners, almost getting ran over by a car, starvation, or even to the point of death. Not only do I love rescuing animals but also people from problems they may have.


I totally disagree with this trait because I'm the total opposite. To be honest I'm a big softy full of emotions. I love to show my emotions especially my happiness.  I always want to share my happiness with others because I know what it is to feel sad, depressed, lonely, etc. I truly dislike that idea so my everyday goal is to make as many people as possible to laugh, think positive,  and especially SMILE!!!:D

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