Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Latin Roots #8

Roots and Derivatives
1.     flu(x), fluct (flow, flowing)
2.     fort, fore (strong)
3.     frater(n), fratr (brother)
4.     fus, fund, found (pour, melt)

Word List
1. Affluent- flowing with wealth and riches: prosperous; a flowing stream, as a tributary.
Bill Gates is an affluent man who is very generous by donating millions of dollars to different charities.

2. Confluence- a coming or flowing together, as of rivers or ideas; a place of joining.
The American culture is a result of a confluence of many other cultures.

3.  Confound- to perplex, confuse, amaze, or bewilder.
When I was a little kid magicians always confounded me until I started watching YouTube videos of how they do their magic.  

4.  Effusive- pouring forth in an emotional way; unrestrained or overly demonstrative.
My brothers and I are effusive whenever someone give us food because food is everything.

5.  Forte- one’s special area of accomplishment or performance; one’s strong point.
Everyone has their own forte in many different categories depending on the person.

6.  Fortify- to make stronger; to strengthen; to establish defenses.
Clash of Clans is an awesome game for people to fortify their clan from others destroying them. 

7.  Fortitude- strength of character; patient courage.
I have always admired my mommy's fortitude because she never gives up and perseveres through difficult situations.

8.  Fraternize- to associate with or socialize in a brotherly fashion; to be friendly with.
In Romeo and Juliet both their families didn't want anyone to fraternize with each other. 

9. Fratricide- the killing of one’s own brother, someone who commits such an act.
The first recorded fratricide was in the bible when Cain killed Abel.

10. Mellifluous- as if flowing honey or sweetness; like the tones of a honeyed voice.
There are many artists with mellifluous voices that help me fall to deep sleep.

11. Profusion- a pouring forth, as of great numbers; plentifulness; an abundance.
A profusion of food is always presents at my home in every room. 

12. Superfluous- (flowing) beyond what is needed; in excess of a sufficiency.
I have a superfluous amount of books yet I still get the temptation to buy more.

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