Roots and Derivatives
1. corp(or)
2. cred
3. cur(r), curs, course
4. dic(t)
Word List
1. benediction-the form of blessing pronounced by an officiating minister, as at the close of divine service. Sentence: The priest offered a benediction at the end of service.
2. concourse-an assemblage; gathering. Sentence: Everyday at school I walk around many concourses in order fr me to get to class.
3. concurrent-occurring or existing simultaneously or side by side. Sentence: My uncles have concurrent birthdays because they are twins.
4. corporal-of or relating to the body; bodily. Sentence: Teachers are prohibited from using corporal punishment to discipline the students.
5. corpulent-large or bulky of body; portly; stout; fat. Sentence: The corpulent cop was breathless after attempting to chase a kid from running away.
6. credibility-the quality of being believable or worthy of trust. Sentence: One of my biggest credibility is to always tell me the truth even though it may e hurtful. I rather live with truths than lies.
7. credulity- willingness to believe or trust too readily, especially without proper or adequate evidence; gullibility. Sentence: When I was younger my credulity was a part of me especially when my brothers made up stories of monsters/unknown creatures.
8. cursory-going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty; superficial. Sentence: I make cursory glances on books whenever they're boring.
9. dictum-an authoritative pronouncement; judicial assertion;a saying; maxim. Sentence: My dictum to everyone out there is always be happy even when the world gets cruel because it also gets beautiful:D
10. incorporate-to form or combine into one body or uniform substance, as ingredients. Sentence: The flour, eggs, and milk are incorporated in order to make delicious pancakes.
11. incredulous-not credulous; disinclined or indisposed to believe; skeptical. Sentence: Roger Federer's games are very incredulous because his hits are so beautifully hit.
12. indicative-showing, signifying, or pointing out; expressive or suggestive. Sentence: Smiling to everyone is an indicative of sharing happiness.
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